And the Launch Party is Friday, May 19th (TONIGHT) at 7PM EST
Find the details in the Facebook Event HERE
Available everywhere you want it!
What’s Going On
With the Anisian Convergence series done (for the most part), I’ve started looking at some of the projects I shelved in order to meet my deadlines. There are three main projects I’m looking at jumping back into next:
Breaker of Seals, an epic fantasy Maeveese novel — Definitely the front runner… after I convert the POV from 1st to 3rd and add in a second POV. It’s definitely going to end up in epic fantasy territory, size-wise.
The Wrong Gods, a dark superhero novel — This is a heart story for me and keeps calling out. There’s just a little complication in that it draws from my real life for inspiration… and well, one person it demonizes has made amends and become one of my favorite people. Just need to get their permission… if I can work up the nerve to finally show them.
The Mage Hacker, a Dresden Files-inspired Urban Fantasy — This is more an experiment than anything. If I write it, it’ll be a rapid release project; i.e. it won’t be very meaty, but should be fun. That’s the main thing that puts it in the top three—ease of output.
If you have any preferences, feel free to call me out on Facebook or the like. Happy to chat about it!
As always, please consider leaving a review for any of my books!
Until next time,