Anisian Convergence has SOLD!

This is some crazy news, but Theogony Books and Chris Kennedy Publishing is going to publish the Anisian Convergence!

"What's that?" you ask?

The Anisian Convergence are the following books (plus a few more):

Last Bid for a Dying Earth (formerly called The Ladder) is about Sarah, a young woman who works on the space elevator and gives control of her body over to an AI for one of the last tickets of a dying Earth.

Fallen Hunter is set 400 years after Last Bid. This one follows Dee, a woman who works with a group called the Hunters to close breaches cut in spacetime by faulty FTL jumps. Those breaches, besides being the normal sort of threat by tears in spacetime, lead to a blasted planet humanity has taken to calling "Hell." Her job is to keep the demons on the other side from spilling out into our galaxy.

Focus on the Wind happens, timeline-wise, in the last 1/3 of Fallen Hunter, but in a completely different solar system 1,000 light years away. This one follows Ceriat, an ex-pilot who flew a dozen missions for the Protectorate before he finally saw the destruction he caused firsthand and retired to man solo terraforming missions for a private corp. This one is more traditional hard sci-fi than "Fallen Hunter" as most of the galaxy doesn't believe Hunters exist or breaches are real.

Charred Hunter... is a work in progress, but sees the survivors of Focus on the Wind and Fallen Hunter face a major threat that rears its head after the events of Fallen Hunter.

For now, I'm off to keep working on edits and getting this stuff to my new publisher (holy shit).

Wish me luck!

Oh, and here's a colorized sketch of Dee because... why not?


Book Release Date! 5/27


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